Check out Savannah’s finished piece! #gomustangs
MHS music students recently participated in the District 1 Honor Band Auditions. We had 27 students participate from both Band and Choir and 17 were accepted!
Accepted students in Choir:
Katelyn Dearborn, Sydney Desimone, Amie Giles, Nethaneal Green, Riley Greenleaf, Aiden Harris, Alysssa Huff, Isabella Laine, Benjamin Levesque, Emma Masse, Mia Skowronski, Brittany Tibbetts, Kayleen Turner.
Accepted Students in Band:
Zach Bandle, Candace Lee, Anna Masse, Delia Harms.
Check out Abby’s finished piece! #gomustangs
Our students have successfully created robots I’m Mr. Swett’s class. One of them went 486 feet! #gomustangs
Our last update still reports that the bus cannot get through Foss Rd in Limerick in the area of #391. Students will need to meet Bus 1371 at either Patterson Rd or Route 5 this morning. The bus will not be able to travel through. We will update later as we know more.
Check out this article that was in the UMaine Today Fall/Winter 2019 magazine about the Lafrance family in Alfred. #gomustangs
More Salem pics
77 of our students are having fun while learning in Salem! #gomustangs
Antony Smith came to visit before he leaves for Japan. #gomustangs
Our field hockey Mustangs wear pink for a cure! #gomustangs
We had a decent day. Jake Saucier got 1st place! The boys got second out of the six teams and appear to be getting stronger each week. 2nd pic are our seniors ~ Coach Blair #gomustangs
A big shout out to our Student Council for putting on a great pep rally and for decorating our stadium fence! #gomustangs
Preparing for the Homecoming Pep Rally #gomustangs
We surprised the staff with ice cream for all their effort to give our students great educational experiences! Thank you staff of MHS! #gomustangs
Homecoming hallways part 2 #gomustangs
Homecoming hallways part 1 #gomustangs
Check out the great artwork by Abby S. and Savannah P.K. in Ms. Stiles 2D Design class! #gomustangs
It's spirit week for Homecoming. Yesterday was Twin Day! #gomustangs
Jon Farrar finished his freshman science credit make-up by rebuilding this radio control car from scratch. When it came in it was not working and was ready from the junk pile. He earned STEM Science credits by rebuilding and recycling this car. #gomustangs
Thank you Tyler for your act of kindness! #gomustangs